Day 0: What's the mission ... why does it matter?

You may not know this, but we're visiting five countries in Africa during September. We're inspired by what's already been accomplished for the Kingdom and the potential for more. Here's some background ...     

Urban Promise was too good an idea for bringing Christ and ministry to urban youth to be limited to the U.S.

Lindsey (Lewis) Markelz, whose heart for mission was developed at New Hanover United Methodist Church and in the U.S. Peace Corps, was hired by Dr. Bruce Main, the Founder of Urban Promise, to coordinate Urban Promise International in it's formative years. UPI brings some of the best and brightest Christian college graduates from other countries to study and serve at UP ministries. These "fellows" then return to their home countries to lead and serve in ministries there.   

At NHUMC, a connection developed between the church and UPI that followed a pattern. One weekend each fall, the UPI fellows stayed with members of the church. During the worship services, the fellows were introduced to the congregation and helped lead the four weekend services. Strong bonds quickly grew between host families and the fellows. In addition, each spring this format was repeated with Bruce Main preaching the message.

NHUMC soon raised most of the money to build an orphanage for boys in Malawi. The only problem was pointed out by a church member who asked, "What about the girls?" Later, NHUMC's Christmas offering was used to build an orphanage for girls. Visits to Malawi by church members led to other significant gifts for other UPI ministries in Malawi and other countries over the years. The 2016 Christmas offering was given to build a new high school adjacent to the boys' and girls' orphanages. 

While this was happening, another young NHUMC woman was called by God to serve in Zambia, the nation just west of Malawi. Corie (Brant) Thuma and her husband Eric serve in ministry with Push the Rock, an organization that uses sports and recreation to bring Christ and education to the young. NHUMC raised the money to build the Thuma's home in Zambia and have supported their work in various ways. 

When I (Dave) was NHUMC's Senior Pastor, I met and married Nancy, and we discovered a UPI connection. Her church, Wilowdale Chapel, supported Urban Promise ministry in Wilmington, Delaware, where the UPI fellows also serve.

We are traveling to Malawi and Zambia to thank and encourage these and other ministry leaders, learn about what is happening in the various ministries, help dedicate the new Lojenzo High School and perhaps strengthen relationships and open up new connections between NHUMC, Willowdale and other churches in the U.S.

We will be blogging about our mission experiences each day between September 12 and 21 and then our vacation to follow in Zimbabwe, Botswanna and South Africa. Follow us daily by clicking the SUBSCRIBE button at the top of the page to receive daily emails. 

Thank you for your prayers and interest in these missions that matter so much to Christ and the Kingdom of God.

-- Dave and Nancy Lewis


  1. Wonderful to learn of your Urban Promise Connection at Willowdale. Michelle and I will be praying for your work in Africa and looking forward to helping in any way to connect at Willowdale in supporting this wonderful mission.

  2. Can't wait to hear about all you discover! Be bold, Be Humble, Be like Jesus!


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